All Projects

Image of the Tangent project



AI powered, real time topic tracking for meetings on Zoom and Teams. Built in one day for the Leaner Startups Hackathon 4.0.

Svelte icon
TypeScript icon
Tailwind icon
Whisper icon
Python icon
LangChain icon
FastAPI icon

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Image of the Satirical Silicon project

Satirical Silicon

Satirical Silicon

Satirical tech news site that uses LangChain to generate satirical tech news articles. Auto generates a post daily.

Next.js icon
TypeScript icon
Tailwind icon
Langchain icon
OpenAI icon

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Image of the GameSherpa project



An AI agent that gives you feedback and advice while gaming. Project for the Madrona AI Tinkerer Summer Hackathon.

Next.js icon
TypeScript icon
Tailwind icon
Langchain icon
Whisper icon
Eleven Labs icon

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Image of the Promptimizr project



Enhances AI prompts anywhere on the web with a suite of tools to help you get better outputs from AI.

React Native icon
TypeScript icon
GPT-3 icon

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Image of the CoLab project



CoLab is a platform that uses AI to help you find the right people to collaborate with. My first hackathon project!

Next.js icon
Tailwind icon
TypeScript icon
OpenAI icon
Python icon

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Image of the Adulting is Hard project

Adulting is Hard

Adulting is Hard

IOS and Android task management app designed to help young people learn how to be better adults.

React Native icon
TypeScript icon
GPT-3 icon

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Image of the CanvasCat project



AI-powered web app that creates a business model canvas and brand identity for your business.

Next.js icon
React icon
Tailwind icon
Framer Motion icon
GPT-3 icon

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Image of the ConsistenSea project



Habit-tracking chrome extension built with React, framer motion, tailwind, and the Chrome extension API.

React icon
Tailwind icon
Framer Motion icon
Chrome Extension API icon

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Image of the Brainstorm Buddy project

Brainstorm Buddy

Brainstorm Buddy

Conversational AI designed to help you brainstorm, using GPT-3 and Next.js.

Next.js icon
React icon
Tailwind icon
Framer Motion icon
GPT-3 icon

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Image of the Oliver project



Interactive AI life advice app built with Next.js, tailwind, GPT-3, and CSS illustration.

Next.js icon
React icon
Tailwind icon
GPT-3 icon

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Image of the Deliberate Design project

Deliberate Design

Deliberate Design

A web app to generate creative, detailed text prompts for AI image generators. Built with Next.js, Tailwind, and Recoil.

Next.js icon
React icon
Tailwind icon
Recoil.js icon

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Image of the project

My personal website built with Next.js, Tailwind, and MDX.

Next.js icon
React icon
Tailwind icon
SASS icon
Framer Motion icon

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Image of the ideaisland project



A web application for idea generation. Built with Next.js, Tailwind, Firebase, and GPT-3.

Next.js icon
React icon
Tailwind icon
Redux icon
Firebase icon
GPT-3 icon

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Image of the PriceArt ETH NFTs project

PriceArt ETH NFTs

PriceArt ETH NFTs

Generative art NFT project using real Ethereum price data. Built with P5.js, Polygon blockchain, and vanilla JavaScript.

JavaScript icon
HTML icon
CSS icon
p5.js icon

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Image of the PriceArt ADA NFTs project

PriceArt ADA NFTs

PriceArt ADA NFTs

Generative art NFT project using real Cardano price data. Built with P5.js, GLSL shaders, and vanilla JavaScript.

JavaScript icon
HTML icon
CSS icon
p5.js icon

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Image of the PriceArt Website project

PriceArt Website

PriceArt Website

Home page for the PriceArt NFT project built with WordPress.

WordPress icon

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Image of the Formulata project



A simple web app to combine words for combinatorial ideation. Built with vanilla JavaScript and P5.js, library.

JavaScript icon
HTML icon
CSS icon
p5.js icon

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Image of the JS Drum Set project

JS Drum Set

JS Drum Set

Drum set from a tutorial from Wes Bos, one of my first JS projects.

JavaScript icon
HTML icon
CSS icon

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