About Me

The Short

I'm a former Microbiologist turned Web Developer striving for world-class user experiences through simplicity and clean design. When I'm not working, I'm making art and spending time with my girlfriend Olivia in our houseplant jungle, with our two dogs and numerous reptiles.

The Long

My Journey

I grew up in sunny San Diego for much of my life, before trading the sun for snow to move to Denver with my family. In high school, I developed my interest in all things science, which led me to major in Microbiology at CSU, where I got my Bachelor's degree. In college, I was a Research Assistant studying the black plague bacteria in amoebas, as well as the evolution of the skeletons of frogs and toads. Research on the latter was published in Evolution journal. I also worked as a computer lab monitor and a librarian, where I taught the homeless how to use computers, and helped over a dozen get jobs in the community by working with them on their resumes and doing mock interviews. (I was also nearly stabbed twice, but you win some and you lose some)

After college, I worked at the mighty New Belgium brewery as a Microbiologist, QA testing beer and tending to all the little yeast babies. Eventually, I could no longer handle the snow and ice of Colorado and decided to move to rainy Seattle with my best friend. My last job in the biology field was monitoring and preventing bioterrorism in Washington state as a Microbiologist at the Department of Health. (Wild stories there, but I can't tell you any of them 😉). After eight years in the biology field, I decided to switch things up and teach myself web development in June of 2021. Many factors weighed into that decision, arthritis from pipetting being one, but most importantly I was not able to express my creativity as often as I'd liked. It proved to be a fantastic decision, and I've loved every minute of my learning thus far.

What I Do Now

Outside of work, I spend my time playing with AI and learning more web development skills by building projects that showcase what I have learned. I 💙 Next.js and TailwindCSS, these two technologies make it so fun to build beautiful yet powerful UI's.

When I'm not learning or building projects for myself, I'm building projects for others through freelancing.

Enough about me, how can I help you? Shoot me a message, let's work together!